Sunday, July 11, 2010

RoboCup 2010 Rescue Robot League

Two weeks after coming back from RoboCup 2010, finally I could have enough time to write about the competitions.
First of all I should say that RoboCup 2010 was the best organized RoboCup event that I’d ever taken part. Thanks to the local committee, everything was in its perfect state (i.e. the competition venue, information desks, internet connectivity and of course the arena of Rescue Robot League was really ready in the first setup day!).
This year, three well known rescue robot teams (Jacobs from Jacobs University of Bremen, resko from Uni Koblenz and Resquake from K.N. Toosi University) were absent though their team leaders attended there as the committee members of the league. I’m sure they would increase the quality of the league if their teams could also take part!
Generally the arena didn’t have any significant change in comparison with last year but, its size seemed to be much bigger than previous and victims were distributed farther from each other. Also a three-pipe high elevated floor in one side and a steep ramp coated with two different materials in the other side made the arena A and B dissimilar.
It’s supposed to have some big changes in the rules this year (i.e. automatic victim locating on the map, multi-robot mapping …) but, some of them were ignored (hopefully only for this year) because most teams couldn’t adapt their systems with new rules. Also the committee decided to make an important on-site change in the rules after a close looking at the performance of multi-robot teams (last year I explained the problem in the mailing list of the league). As I wrote in my previous post, they limited rests to the TEAM RESET. That is why most multi-robot teams were less successful in Autonomy this year.
At the end of this event three teams from Thailand won top three Place Awards and the Australian team, CASualty won two Best in Class (in Mobility and Autonomy) awards while the famous Japanese Pelican United could only repeat their previous success in Best in Class Manipulation. Here you can find some photos of participants of RoboCup Rescue 2010 and its winners.

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