Monday, October 25, 2010

First Place of Rescue Robot League at AUTCup 2010

Last week we took part in AUTCup 2010, a national robotic event; but this time with some quests from countries like USA, Germany etc. Generally, the competitions consisted of two categories: RoboCup Leagues (all the simulation leagues with most robot leagues) and Non-RoboCup Leagues (e.g. Mars Rovers, Deminers etc.).

The Rescue Robot League was very similar to Iran-Open competitions. Although the team MRL was absent, all other famous Iranian teams made it a very challenging league. The arena was a smaller copy of RoboCup 2010 rescue robot arena with several steep roll ramps and more difficult red arena step field.

Since our managing team had decided to participate with minimums; we registered only 5 members (usually 3 of them were ready on-site) and utilized BETAII, one of our tele-operated robots which had several minor modifications after coming back from Singapore. We also had another change; our former operator, Mehdi (my older brother) was not able to attend at AUTCup and I had to control the robot myself. I was well familiar with controlling BETA using Xbox 360 joystick but, now we were using Logitech freedom and I needed to test this new controller. Thanks to my teammates, I had several test & practice runs in setup and preliminary days. Now I was ready to do almost everything with robot at final rounds.

As our competitors said, we had two dramatic final rounds in which we scored all the victims on elevated floor and inside the car. In the second final round we all knew that we won’t win the first place unless I open the door of a bucket using manipulator and identify its victim. We practiced and I found a trick to open the door using our 2DOF manipulator. Fortunately everything went fine at the final round and I could do what I practiced!

Thanks to all my existing and former teammates who made it to become true!